Children today are faced with more opportunities as learners and in life than ever before. Learning now goes beyond the conventional classroom; and with the right technologies, learning has evolved from being just assimilation of information, to a more fun, engaging and all- round rewarding exercise. The library or the schoolteacher is no longer the only source of information; our children are learning more and more from search engines like Google. In the area of e-Learning, Zimbabwe has caught up with the rest of the world. Harnessing the power of technology and the easily accessible internet, EDUMATE provides world class tools, technologies, and services to facilitate learning in both formal and informal environments.
At EDUMATE, we have devices that are suited for primary and secondary education, as well for the teachers. The product features include a 2in1 laptops and tablets with reliable internet connection, a stylus which makes it easier for student to interact with onscreen content and magnification lens which function both as a camera and microscope. Designed to withstand the most arduous conditions, these devices are water resistant, can absorb vibrations, keep out dust and humidity, and can survive being dropped on a hard surface.